8 Things You Should Never Do at the Craps Table at 747 Live


Craps is one of the most thrilling and dynamic games found in both brick-and-mortar and online casinos. However, the excitement of the game can sometimes lead players to make critical mistakes that can impact their success. Understanding what not to do at the craps table is as important as knowing the rules and strategies. Whether you're playing at a physical casino or enjoying the game at 747 Live, an online casino, here are eight things you should never do at the craps table.

1. Never Ignore the Rules of the Game

One of the biggest mistakes players make is jumping into the game without fully understanding the rules. Craps has specific terminologies, betting options, and procedures that must be followed. At 747 Live, an online casino, it is essential to:

  • Study the Game Rules: Familiarize yourself with the basic rules and different types of bets.
  • Use Free Play Options: Practice the game in free play mode available at 747 Live to get a better grasp of the mechanics without risking real money.

2. Never Make Proposition Bets Without Understanding Them

Proposition bets in craps offer high payouts but come with a significantly higher house edge. Many new players get enticed by these bets without understanding their risks.

  • High Risk: Bets like "Any Seven" or "Hardways" might seem tempting, but they have a much lower probability of winning.
  • Better Alternatives: Stick to safer bets like Pass Line and Come bets, which have a lower house edge.

3. Never Chase Losses

Chasing losses is a common pitfall in gambling. After a losing streak, the urge to recover losses quickly can lead to even bigger losses.

  • Set Limits: Establish a loss limit before you start playing and stick to it.
  • Stay Disciplined: If you hit your loss limit, take a break and avoid the temptation to keep playing.

4. Never Forget to Manage Your Bankroll

Proper bankroll management is crucial in craps. Without a solid plan, you risk depleting your funds too quickly.

  • Budgeting: Allocate a specific amount of money for playing craps and avoid dipping into other funds.
  • Bet Sizes: Adjust your bet sizes according to your bankroll. If you’re on a losing streak, reduce your bets to prolong your playtime.

5. Never Be Disrespectful to Other Players or Dealers

Etiquette is important in craps, both in physical casinos and online at 747 Live.

  • Respect: Treat dealers and fellow players with respect. Disruptive behavior can ruin the experience for everyone.
  • Follow Conduct Guidelines: Adhere to the conduct guidelines set by 747 Live to ensure a pleasant gaming environment.

6. Never Bet Against the Shooter (Unless It’s Part of Your Strategy)

Betting against the shooter, also known as placing Don’t Pass or Don’t Come bets, is sometimes seen as bad form by other players.

  • Strategic Decision: If betting against the shooter is part of your strategy, do it discreetly to avoid causing tension.
  • Communicate: In online settings like 747 Live, there's less social pressure, but maintaining good sportsmanship is still key.

7. Never Drink Excessively While Playing

While a drink or two can enhance your enjoyment, excessive drinking can impair your judgment and lead to poor decisions.

  • Stay Sober: Keep your alcohol consumption in check to maintain a clear head.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly to stay hydrated and focused during long gaming sessions.

8. Never Neglect Betting on the Odds

Betting on the odds in craps is one of the best bets you can make because it has no house edge. However, many players overlook this opportunity.

  • Take Advantage: Once a point is established, always place odds bets behind your Pass Line or Come bets.
  • Maximize Your Bets: If your bankroll allows, maximize your odds bets to boost your potential winnings.

Playing Smart at 747 Live

1. Use Available Resources

  • Tutorials and Guides: Take advantage of the tutorials and guides available on 747 Live to deepen your understanding of craps.
  • Community Forums: Engage with the online community to share experiences and strategies.

2. Play Responsibly

  • Set Time Limits: Allocate specific times for playing and take regular breaks to avoid fatigue.
  • Know When to Stop: Recognize when to stop playing, whether you’re winning or losing, to maintain a healthy relationship with gambling.


Craps is an exhilarating game that combines luck and strategy. By avoiding these common pitfalls and adhering to smart gaming practices, you can enhance your craps experience at 747 Live, an online casino. Remember to always understand the rules, manage your bankroll effectively, and maintain good etiquette. Playing responsibly not only improves your chances of winning but also ensures a more enjoyable and sustainable gaming experience. Enjoy the thrill of craps while making smart decisions, and you’ll find that your time at 747 Live can be both fun and rewarding.

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